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Waterloo 200: further preparations, further games

Waterloo 200 times six
The clear "winner" in terms of the number of Waterloos that they have so far fitted into this bicentennial year are Doug H and his wargaming colleagues from Vancouver, Canada.

He recently posted a report of the sixth Waterloo that he has been involved with, this time held at the at Enfilade 2015 in Washington State USA.

A fine effort!

Preparing for Waterloo on 13th June
That's the date for the Waterloo game to be conducted by Mark "Chasseur" and others who are based in Christchurch, NZ.

Mark has put the finishing touches on his figures for the game and recently posted photos of his French lancers, line artillery in greatcoats and Guard artillery.

Waterloo at 1:100 from the "1:3 Team"!
In addition to putting together there marvellous game of the action around La Haie Sainte at 1:3, Chris, Kevin, James and Richard are also re-fighting the entire battle at 1:100.

Chris recently posted some photos of their excellent looking terrain for this larger scale battle (and later a couple of posts showing step by step on how it was made).

Vintage Waterloo WIP
Ian 'Stryker' is preparing units for his Vintage Waterloo using Hinton Hunt figures.

Two of his recent posts have shown completed units of Grenadiers à Cheval and 11th Light Dragoons.

Quatre Bras Play-test
John has posted a report of a dogged struggle from a play-test of Quatre Bras.

It was a tough battle for the generals with "Foy, Jerome and Bachleu all falling in combat", while, "on the allied side, Picton, Perponcher and Slender Billy were casualties".

Hougoumont Scenario
Another John posted his report of a scenario using Blackpowder rules of the 'battle within a battle' that was the struggle for Hougoumont.

He summed it up thusly, "an Allied victory, a historic result, a good game". To which I'd add a marvellous looking chateau, as I'm sure readers would agree!

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