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E-Everyday starts with… (#atozchallenge)

E-Everyday starts with… 

        Everyday starts with me getting out of bed.  Well, that is, if I'm not sick and rarely have I ever been so sick that I couldn't get out of bed.  To my recollection I don't think I've ever fallen out of bed first thing, but I guess it could have happened.  There have been a few times when I fell after stepping out of bed and then blacking out.  Those times were pretty scary, but I think that's been taken care of by a heart treatment and medication.  No more blacking out I hope.

        On a normal weekday my first operation is usually to wake my wife up so she can get ready for work.  Then I go downstairs and fix breakfast while she's getting ready.  On weekends I'll still get up relatively early--though not awakened by an alarm--and let my wife sleep in until she's ready to get up to have breakfast.

          I seemed to have turned into an early morning riser.  Rarely do I sleep past seven o'clock.  When I think of it though, maybe it has something to do with a natural time clock in me.  I was born in the Eastern Time Zone so now that I'm on the West Coast when it's 6 AM here it's really 9 AM in my birth time.  It's only a theory of course.  Might have some credence or maybe not.

         But since I'm thinking about this topic about waking up in the morning let me just say, I really don't like the time changes in spring and fall.  That really messes with my head.  

          Does your body seem to have an internal clock?    How late would you like to sleep in the mornings if you could?     Are you a night owl?  

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